January 21, 2019

Blessings From Heaven!!

Last night we looked at the weather forecast...a storm blowing in sometime early morning and bringing a lot of rain...90% chance!!  Ugh!  Our work party was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. and we were supposed to be planting SIX of the beds.  I went to bed, hoping and praying.  At 6:30 a.m. this morning, I awoke to wind howlin' and ablowin'!!  And then, about an hour later, the started pouring down.  By 8:30 I was getting very concerned.  And I kept praying, "PLEASE, can we have a break from the rain by 9:00 so we can get the planting done."  Well, by 8:50 the rain had reduced to a drizzle, at least in the few blocks  around the community garden, and by 9:00 the brave and trusting souls who could come, did!!  And we planted!!  I believe in, and am grateful for, MIRACLES!!!


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