January 23, 2021

The Wonders of "Winter Thaw!!"

 FOUR DAYS with people helping for ONE HOUR each day did wonders for the garden!!  Monday was spent digging carrots, raking leaves and composting beds.  Tuesday was digging onions out of one bed, composting more beds, marking off beds, and shoveling out walkways.

Wednesday was all about counting out sets of 100 (onions) for a total of 18 bags of 100...or 1800 onion sets!!!  Holy smokes!!

Thursday everyone planted, and planted and planted some more!!  We got two beds of peas planted (soaked the peas overnight) and planted 1798 onion sets...the baby ate two of them as she watched us work!!  The rest of the tilling got done, and now the storms that were predicted can come in.  We're ready and so is the garden!  Perfect timing!!!