April 27, 2017

Picking and Pinching ... in the Garden???

Beautiful morning!!  Beautiful garden!!  We picked lettuce, and spinach, and beets!!  We pinched the suckers off the tomato plants and pulled a few onions, too!!  It's amazing what a little sunshine, compost, weed control, and working with friends can do in a garden!!!

April 11, 2017

EVERYTHING'S PLANTED...except okra!!

We had several people come out last night for a beautiful evening "work party!"  I ALMOST wish the weather could stay just like this for 4 months!!  Truly lovely night to work in the garden!

Kids and adults worked together to get all the zucchini, squash, cucumbers and additional bed of onions planted.  We also thinned beets, removed old spinach, and harvested a lot of beautiful lettuce and spring spinach!!

 ("Dr. Death" also is trying to snag yet another gopher from our garden.  He's three for three so far!!)

We pinched off the lower limbs of our tomato plants, and everything is watering beautifully!

South Side beds...

These are NOT gopher mounds...just watering "bowls"...

Peas are thriving!

Our herb bed...needs some work...but the leeks are doing great!

Two beds of beets

Zucchini on the left; onions on the right

Tomatoes trellised with bamboo

Two beds of Potatoes!

Lettuce, spinach and onion beds