June 19, 2017


The hotter it gets, the earlier we start working in the garden!!  Thanks to everyone who has been showing up at 6:00 and 6:30 a.m.  It is early, but it's also MUCH cooler!!  We're done by the time the sun is shining on the garden!

June 9, 2017

Our Garden LOVES the Heat!!

Here we are, our first full week into June and things are heating up rather quickly!  The squash, zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes are LOVING the "bowls" that fill up with water from the bubblers in the garden...and don't spray all over their leaves.  And it doesn't waste water, either!!  The new way of growing tomatoes up the twine attach to the bamboo trellis is working well, but does take concerted effort to pinch off the suckers on a regular basis!

The lettuce and spinach did SOOO well all spring long...as did the snow peas and the sugar snap peas.  We pulled out the last of the lettuce and spinach on Monday, and now the second planting of Zucchini and Yellow Squash has been put in.


 This is just four of the nearly forty tomato plants we have growing this way...can hardly wait for these beauties to turn RED!!!