July 1, 2010


How can carrots be so vastly different one year to the next?! Last year we had MUTANT CARROTS...5 fingered gnarly things that looked like they belonged in a scary movie!! And this year the carrots have been absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Maybe soil preparation has something to do with it, as well as thinning . . . and thinning some more!! Whatever did it, we love our carrots!!

From Garden 7-1-2010

This morning we picked an entire BUCKET FULL of Muncher Cruncher cucumbers! And that was after picking a bunch two days ago!! It must be all that loving care the judge has showered on his bed!!

From Garden 7-1-2010
And, of course, the squash, zucchini, and onions continue to do VERY well!!

From Garden 7-1-2010

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