June 4, 2021

 We may have dug the potatoes out a bit earlier than needed, however, we needed the bed to plant our pumpkins in!!  We still got some excellent potatoes!!  We also got a great first picking of Zucchini, we replanted some of the bowls of yellow squash that didn't come up, replanted some peanuts for the same reason, wrapped more tomato plants, "trellised" Armenian cucumbers that are spreading everywhere, and counted FOUR little watermelons on our "volunteer" plant by the water fountain!

The high temperatures (over 100!) the past few days have taken their toll on our beautiful lettuce beds!!  The lettuce is still pretty, but it is very bitter!!  So far, the spinach is still tasting great, but I can't imagine it will last much longer.  104 degrees is a friend to the peanuts, but not the lettuce!!